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ItemBuilder<TFixtureItem,TPathProvider> class

Builder for configuring a fixture item then building a concrete instance of it.

public class ItemBuilder<TFixtureItem, TPathProvider> : ItemBuilderBase<TFixtureItem>, 
    IPathSelectionProvider<TFixtureItem, TPathProvider>
    where TPathProvider : new()
public class ItemBuilder<TFixtureItem, TPathProvider> : ItemBuilderBase<TFixtureItem>, 
    IPathSelectionProvider<TFixtureItem, TPathProvider>
    where TPathProvider : new()
TFixtureItemThe fixture item type.
TPathProviderThe PathProvider type.

Public Members

ItemBuilder()The default constructor.
Build(…)Builds a concrete instance of type TFixtureItem as configured by this builder. If TFixtureItem is a twizzar base-type a unique value of the given type will be returned. If TFixtureItem is an interface, it will be a stub of Type TFixtureItem. If TFixtureItem is a class, the type itself will be created via reflection.
BuildMany(…)Calls Build n times where n = count. See Build for more information.
With(…)Configure a member. To configure the member use a lambda.

See Also