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IItemContext<TFixtureItem,TPathProvider> interface

The item scope contains information gathered while creating the fixture item.

public interface IItemContext<TFixtureItem, TPathProvider> : 
    IPathSelectionProvider<TFixtureItem, TPathProvider>
    where TPathProvider : new()
public interface IItemContext<TFixtureItem, TPathProvider> : 
    IPathSelectionProvider<TFixtureItem, TPathProvider>
    where TPathProvider : new()
TFixtureItemThe fixture item type.
TPathProviderThe type of the path provider.


Get<TReturnType>(…)Get a configured member or dependencies of the fixture item.
GetAsMoq<TReturnType>(…)Gets a configured member or dependencies of the fixture item as an Mock.
Verify<TReturnType>(…)Start the verification of a property.
Verify<TMethodMemberPath>(…)Start the verification of a method.

See Also