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Twizzar.Api assembly

Twizzar.Fixture namespace

public typedescription
interface IItemBuilder<TFixtureItem>Builder for configuring a fixture item then building a concrete instance of it.
interface IItemContext<TFixtureItem>The item scope contains information gathered while creating the fixture item.
interface IItemContext<TFixtureItem,TPathProvider>The item scope contains information gathered while creating the fixture item.
interface IMemberVerifierService for verifying members.
interface IMethodVerifier<TFixtureItem,TPathProvider,TMethodPathMember>Service for verifying methods.
interface IPathSelectionProvider<TFixtureItem>Marker interface used by the source generator to find object which provides path selections.
interface IPathSelectionProvider<TFixtureItem,TPathProvider>Marker interface used by the source generator to find object which provides path selections.
interface IPropertySetOrGetVerifierService for selecting a getter or setter of a property for verification.
interface IPropertyVerifier<TDeclaredType>Service for further configuration the property verification.
class ItemBuilder<TFixtureItem>Builder for configuring a fixture item then building a concrete instance of it.
class ItemBuilder<TFixtureItem,TPathProvider>Builder for configuring a fixture item then building a concrete instance of it.
abstract class ItemBuilderBase<TFixtureItem>Base class for the item builders.
static class ItemContextStatic helper class for IItemContext.
class OriginalNameAttributeAttribute to annotate member paths with their original name.
abstract class PathProvider<TFixtureItem>Provides member paths. Is used for configure an ItemBuilder.
class TestSourceAttributeAttribute to define the method under test on a test method.
struct TzAnyStructMarker struct for declaring paths types with any struct type.
class TzParameterInfos about a method parameter.
class TzVoidMarker class for declaring paths with the return type void.
class VerificationExceptionException throw when a verification failed.
static class VerifyStatic twizzar class for verifying code.

Twizzar.Fixture.Member namespace

public typedescription
class CtorParamBasetypeMemberPath<TFixtureItem,TParameterType>Member path for a constructor parameter where the type is a twizzar base-tye.
class CtorParamMemberPath<TFixtureItem,TParameterType>Member path for a constructor parameter.
class FieldBasetypeMemberPath<TFixtureItem,TReturnType>Member path for a field where the return type is a twizzar base-tye.
class FieldMemberPath<TFixtureItem,TReturnType>Member path for a field.
interface IBaseTypePath<TFixtureItem>A member where the return type is a twizzar base-type.
interface IInstancePath<TFixtureItem>Path of an instance member like Property, Field or an Method.
class ItemCallbackConfig<TFixtureItem>
class ItemDelegateConfig<TFixtureItem>
class MemberConfig<TFixtureItem>A configuration of a member.
abstract class MemberPath<TFixtureItem>
abstract class MemberPath<TFixtureItem,TReturnType>
class MethodBasetypeMemberPath<TFixtureItem,TReturnType,TDeclaredType>Member path for a method where the return type is a twizzar base-tye..
class MethodMemberPath<TFixtureItem,TReturnType,TDeclaredType>Member path for a method.
class PropertyBasetypeMemberPath<TFixtureItem,TReturnType>Member path for a property where the return type is a twizzar base-tye.
class PropertyMemberPath<TFixtureItem,TReturnType>Member path for a property.

Twizzar.Fixture.MethodVerifier namespace

public typedescription
record ParameterPredicateParameter predicate for method verification.

Twizzar.Fixture.Utils namespace

public typedescription
static class ItemBuilderHelperMethodsHelper methods for the ItemBuilder.

Twizzar.Fixture.Verifier namespace

public typedescription
class CtorVerifierExceptionError occurred when verifying ctor.
interface ICtorVerifier<T>Ctor verifier for Verifying the constructor.